Daily Leadership Quote

Oct 23, 2020  -  Game On Coaching Corp.  -  Uncategorized
Today's #leadership quote
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”― Ernest Hemingway
Judging ourselves by those around us is never the best alternative. If wise we will always surround ourselves with people who are more intelligent or more skilled to learn and grow. Adopting an attitude of continuous improvement requires us to look at ourselves critically and commit to lifelong learning. If we judge ourselves by the what others do we will always be able to find someone who is better in some way and we could become disheartened. Instead we should learn from others what makes them successful and then seek to improve ourselves. By each day committing to be better than the previous, we are able to transform ourselves and ultimately achieve the greatness we desire and are capable of. Great athletes don't want to play against inferior competition they can easily defeat. Instead they yearn to play against those who are more talented so they can learn and continue to improve their game. If you are always the smartest person in the room or the best player on the court you are either in the wrong room or the wrong court. Don't measure yourself by the success of others rather what you are capable of being. Relish the challenge of competition because your toughest competitors inspire you to advance your game.
If you would like to up your game and improve the performance of your business a coach is the ideal person to help you take your business to the next level.   Give me a call and find out how to super size your business and move forward on your own path of continuous improvement.   You will be glad that you did.