Daily Leadership Quote

Nov 10, 2020  -  Game On Coaching Corp.  -  Uncategorized
Today's #leadership quote

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” —Willie Nelson

Continuing with the theme of gratitude, I found this quote from Willie Nelson which was mirrored by many others such as Tony Robbins and Charles Schwab. One of the best things about being grateful is that you appreciate others who have helped get where you currently are. By being thankful and showing your appreciation you inspire them to find additional ways to assist you to attain greater heights. They feel great about what they did and look to replicate that feeling either by assisting you or helping others. Ultimately the community benefits. In addition, when you practice gratefulness your brain strengthens its ability to identify things to be grateful for and you therefore exhibit more gratitude. Studies have shown that practicing gratefulness reduces stress and anxiety and can contribute to improved physical health. Gratitude is also known to be a great deterrent to depression. If you take a few minutes to be grateful every day, you will also experience what Willie Nelson did and change your life for the better. Be thankful for what you have and you will discover more to be grateful for. Gratitude is the key that unlocks success and happiness
Working with a coach can help you change your mindset and become more aware of what you have accomplished while positioning you to accomplish a great deal more.   If you would like to find out how, give me a call at 703 445-3133.   You will be glad that you did.