Daily Leadership Quote

Nov 13, 2020  -  Game On Coaching Corp.  -  Uncategorized
Today's #leasdershp quote
“We learn from failure, not from success!” ― Bram Stoker, Dracula
Since it is Friday the 13th, I went to a rather unusual source for today's quote yet the quote is still very appropriate. Often the fear of failing creates an unwillingness to take risks and try new things. Instead we form limiting beliefs to avoid the pain that is associated with failure thus enabling us to remain comfortable but somewhat stagnant. We are not born with the fear of failure but we learn it over time. So too we can learn to overcome it by taking action in spite of that fear. To be a leader you have to accept failure own it, learn from it, and move on. Failure is only final if it induces you to quit. If however you accept failure as just another learning moment on the path to success and realize that you learn far more from failing than from success you can overcome this limiting belief. All champions in sports fail many times prior to being successful. Michael Jordan and the Bulls lost several times to the Pistons before they began their championship run. Because they had the courage and resilience to continue onward and learn from the failures they grew stronger as a team and were able to win 6 titles together. Winning consistently requires learning & growth which comes from failure. Don't fear failure. Rather use it as a catalyst to continual improvement and become the leader you were destined to be.
The Kansas City Chiefs failed wo win a championship in 2018-2019 season but came back the following year improved and won.   They benefitted from the growth encouraged by their coach Andy Reid.   They did not fire Reid after winning the championship because even successful teams or companies benefit from having a coach to help them learn and grow from their failures. 
  If you would like to find out how I can help you give me a call at 703 445-3133.   You will be glad that you did.