Daily Leadership Quote

Sep 24, 2020  -  Game On Coaching Corp.  -  Uncategorized
Today's #leadership quote

Surround yourself with good people. People who are going to be honest with you and look out for your best interests. – Derek Jeter

It is important to surround yourself with good people. Negative people have a tendency to drag others into a dark place. There are always people who are jealous or people who have a scarcity mentality who would prefer to see you fail. Often that is because they don't want someone to be better than them. I believe that if I am the smartest person in the room, I am in the wrong room. If instead I surround myself with exceptional people, I learn and grow. If I surround myself with people who are positive I have the courage to take risks and try new things. If I surround myself with people who challenge me to be at my best I will be able to hit new heights. While being praised by others is a short term ego boost, I would prefer to be surrounded by people who have high expectations and challenge me to continually improve. It is important to guard the thoughts that enter your mind to eliminate self doubt and limiting beliefs. If you surround yourself with successful people who challenge you to be at your best you will accomplish far more and continue to grow. Pick your friends wisely and challenge yourself to improve always